For many people, history is something they learn from a combination of half-remembered high school classes, popular culture like Saving Private Ryan or Game of Thrones and the deliberate study that they pursue for their own intellectual growth. While some may think that studying history is outdated or irrelevant to the present, it can actually offer a great deal of value and usefulness.
In addition to offering the framework for works of art and literature, it also teaches us how to read and interpret secondary and primary sources of information. It helps teach us to be sceptical of things that are written down and develop an ability to discern between pieces of writing which have been well researched and those which simply express opinion, theory or hypothesis. These skills are extremely valuable in our contemporary world, which is dominated by information and communication.
While it may seem intimidating to begin your studies of history, the best way to start is by selecting a period or place that interests you. Once you’ve done so, try to find a number of different books and articles that focus on this period or place. You will then want to compare and contrast them to determine what seems legit to you. This process will help you develop a solid understanding of the topic and will allow you to understand that while there are some historical events that appear to be black and white, most often the truth is more complex.
The study of history is not only a scholarly endeavor, but it can also be very interesting and exciting. Historians are very adept at writing in a way that makes their subjects comprehensible to the layman. This is one of the reasons that so many students enjoy learning history. When you are in a class, it is a good idea to pay attention to the lectures, but don’t be afraid to ask questions when needed. This will allow you to get the most out of your learning experience.
For most students, the hardest part of studying history is remembering all the different facts and events. A great way to combat this problem is to break down the subject into its major topics and then think of smaller events only as they relate to those larger topics. This will help you recall the important information when it is time to take a test or write an essay.
In addition to the benefits listed above, the study of history also helps us to understand how the present was shaped by the past. This can be a very helpful tool in understanding our own current political climate and how we, as individuals, can influence the future.