Culture, according to sociologists, is the sum total of a people’s attitudes and beliefs, and the material objects that embody them. It can encompass a wide range of behaviours and artifacts, from dress to language, architectural style, customs and traditions. Some cultural elements are easily seen and recognizable, such as a particular dress or the way people greet one another; other aspects are more intangible and take longer to recognize. Nevertheless, it is essential for understanding the world around us and the impact of globalization.
A key question for the anthropologists who study culture is whether or not it evolves. Some scholars argue that cultural traits, such as tools, techniques, folktales, ornaments and social norms may become more or less widespread over time. This is called cultural diffusion. However, other anthropologists maintain that the organic structure of a society cannot be diffused; it must develop within a society itself.
Throughout the history of humankind, some of the greatest advances in science and technology have been attributed to cultural influences. For example, the use of gunpowder paved the way for explosive devices; the invention of the wheel enabled vehicles to be pulled and carried by animals; and the development of musical instruments allowed musicians to communicate more complex ideas and emotions. In many ways, music remains a potent cultural expression today, evoking strong emotions and connecting people across borders and languages.
The concept of cultural evolution has been contested over the years, with some anthropologists believing that it is inevitable and others viewing it as an unproven theory. One argument is that peoples develop their cultures along a continuum, from primitive societies to highly developed ones. This view is known as the classical evolutionary model, and was popularized by 19th-century anthropologists such as Edward Burnett Tylor and Lewis H. Morgan. It has been criticized, however, for being too narrow in its focus and for failing to take into account other factors that might influence the development of culture, such as social evolution, genetic change and environmental conditions.
Another debate centers on the extent to which a culture is contagious. It is generally accepted that a culture can be transmitted from one person to another, although the exact mode of transmission depends on the circumstances and the degree to which a person wants to acquire a cultural trait. Moreover, a culture must offer some advantage to the person who acquires it; otherwise, it is not likely to be spread in that manner.
A related topic is the notion that a culture can be categorized in terms of a high culture of the elite and a low culture of the masses, with the former being characterized by greater cultural sophistication. The argument is that higher levels of education, literacy and socialization are associated with a more sophisticated cultural environment. However, some argue that these differences are simply the result of different economic and social conditions that are not related to the level of cultural sophistication itself.