The term civilization describes a complex society with many features. It is a society that has cities, government, religion, specialized labor, and a division of work. It may also include a highly developed culture. There are many different views about what civilization is, and how it happened.
The word civilization is related to the Latin civitas, or city. The National Geographic Society explains that the most basic definition of civilization is “a society made up of cities.” The emergence of civilization marks an important point in human history. It marks the transition from hunter-gatherers living in a nomadic lifestyle to settling in villages and towns. Once a village or town developed, it usually developed into a large, permanent settlement called a city. Civilization enables these larger, permanent communities to develop a wide range of new technologies and institutions.
One feature of civilization is that it often develops complex food production systems. It is difficult for a single person to grow enough food for the whole community, so a division of labor is necessary. People become skilled in their crafts and are able to buy and sell goods that they make or grow. This allows a wide range of goods to be produced, including clothing, tools, weapons, and buildings. This is a key part of the economic system that forms the foundation of many civilizations.
In addition to the division of labor, other parts of civilization are the state, writing, and social hierarchies. These are all features of complex societies that are found in ancient Mesopotamia, Egypt, Shang China, and Maya-period Mesoamerica. This is a package of innovations that seems to be universal, even though these places and times are not all that much alike.
Most big historians have accepted that this is the case, but they are still wondering about how these innovations came together. It is also unclear why civilization developed in some areas but not others.
Another key feature of civilization is the development of religion. This is often linked to the growth of a civilization, because religious beliefs can help unify a diverse group of people. Religious beliefs can also provide a way for people to understand the world around them, and to give meaning to events that happen in it.
The development of religion and other aspects of culture usually happens at the same time as the emergence of civilization. It is also important to note that civilization can be seen in animals, such as ants and bees. Some microorganisms are also considered to be civilized because they live and work in groups.
The concept of civilization is often used to distinguish societies that are considered to be advanced from those that are less so. This judgment is often based on a combination of religious, cultural, and racial biases. For example, India has a rich culture and was once a powerful empire that was ruled by strong governments with clear social hierarchies. However, Western scholars frequently judged Indians as inferior due to the fact that they practice Hindu or Muslim faith and because of their racial heritage.